Contract teachers will again stage demonstration

Contract teachers will again stage demonstration

Contract teachers will again stage demonstration

Bhubaneswar : The contract teachers of Govt. High Schools of Odisha have again decided to stage demonstration against the false assurance of the Govt. The union of the contract teachers has made complaints that the Chief Minister had declared to abolish the system of contracts teachers 7 months back. But irony is that the Department of School and Mass Education is yet to regularize 18000 contract teachers.

The union had staged a demonstration on the issue in front of the Assembly. After completion of 13 days of the demonstration on 13th April, a notice was released from the Department of School and Mass Education of Govt. of Odisha that all the contract teachers would be regularized. The Minister of School and Mass Education also expressed in Social Media that 18000 contract teachers would be given Odia New Year gift.

The union of contract teachers of Odisha Govt. High Schools had postponed the demonstration taking into consideration of the declaration of the Govt. Though 15 days have elapsed after declaration of notice by the department of Mass Education, neither any District Education Officer nor Director of Secondary Education has received any letter in this regard. The department has only confined the letter in its' four walls so that 18 thousands contract teachers are being deprived of regularization. Now those teachers have not got salary for last 2 months due to non implementation of regularization. The union has condemned this anti teacher policy of the Govt.