Illegal sand mining in Odisha: 22 trucks and an excavator have been seized.

The seized vehicles have been taken to the Gangapur police station, as confirmed by the inspector-in-charge, R.K. Nayak.

Illegal sand mining in Odisha: 22 trucks and an excavator have been seized.

Illegal mining and smuggling of minor minerals have escalated in Ganjam district, with approximately 22 trucks and excavating machines seized on Saturday night. Soroda MLA Nilamani Bisoi encountered four trucks near Bangarada village close to the Badanadi river when he was returning from Bhubaneswar that night. Suspecting illegal activity, he stopped the sand-laden vehicles and asked the drivers for permits. When they were unable to produce any documentation, the MLA called the revenue, police, and mining authorities, who promptly arrived at the scene. Twenty-two trucks and excavating machines were seized as no permits had been issued for sand extraction from the riverbank. The confiscated vehicles were taken to Gangapur police station, confirmed inspector-in-charge R.K. Nayak.

MLA Bisoi expressed concern over the frequent illegal sand lifting, which poses environmental risks to nearby villages and results in revenue losses for the state. Junior mining officer Sukru Behera mentioned that illegal sand lifting took place during a holiday, which may have contributed to the lack of oversight. He also added that similar illegal activities are happening in other rivers, including the Rushikulya, Ghodahada, and Bahuda.

Local leader Kanhu Charan Patra alleged that widespread blasting for stone extraction is gradually transforming the hilly terrain into plains. He pointed to the area between Berhampur and Digapahandi as an example, where numerous hills have been leveled over the years.