sex racket busted in Rourkela, 6 women rescued

sex racket busted in Rourkela, 6 women rescued

sex racket busted in Rourkela, 6 women rescued

Rourkela: On Tuesday, police arrested a guy and rescued six women from a sex racket operating from a residence within Rourkela city limits in Odisha's Sundargarh district.

According to sources, after receiving a tip-off about the unlawful operations, a joint team of the Chhend police and special squad set a trap and executed a raid to catch the accused red-handed from a house in Chhend Colony in the steel city.

Six women were rescued from the house, and a suspected customer was detained. A preliminary examination found that all six women were West Bengal residents.

However, the kingpin managed to flee the scene during the operation, and efforts are underway to apprehend him.

Notably, the sex racket had been running at the house for the previous three months.