Live pangolin seized, two arrested

Live pangolin seized, two arrested

Live pangolin seized, two arrested

Kandhamal: On Wednesday, a Special Task Force (STF) team rescued a live pangolin and arrested two people in the district.

Following a tip, the STF squad raided NH-59 at Jakikia village, within Baliguda police boundaries, and rescued the live pangolin with the help of Baliguda Forest Range personnel. In addition, the team seized certain damning materials from the possession of the accused.

Sibananda Mallick of Sonubadi village and Rastra Bhoi of Kalipushingtagabaz have been named as the accused. They were held because they were unable to present any documentation proving their ownership of the pangolin. They were eventually turned over to Baliguda forest officials.

The seized pangolin was handed over to the DFO in Baliguda by the STF team. The problem is being looked into further.

In the last year, the STF has seized 20 leopard skins, 11 elephant tusks, two deer skins, seven live pangolins, 15 kg pangolin scales, and arrested 45 wildlife criminals during its special drive against wildlife traffickers.