Odisha Is Making Plans To Manage E-Waste
Odisha Is Making Plans To Manage E-Waste

Bhubaneswar: In recent years, solid waste management in urban Odisha has seen a transition and revolution. The addition of processing facilities, such as a Micro Composting Centre and a Material Recovery Facility for Wet and Dry waste, has boosted the entire value chain.
In a separate measure, Principal Secretary for Housing and Urban Development G Mathi Vathanan has directed all ULBs to collect hazardous garbage and e-waste on a set day each week, Saturday, and deposit it at the Wealth Centre for distribution to State Pollution Control Board-approved agencies.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development has determined that dry waste would not be collected on Saturday. The gathered electronic waste and hazardous rubbish would be transported to the Wealth Centre and stored in specified areas. Wet garbage and dry waste would, however, continue to be collected from establishments on all other days.
Massive public awareness campaigns, such as Mike announcements in each ward of town/cities, Swachh Sathis door-to-door sensitization, Mission Shakti groups nominating change agents, wall paintings, scrolling messages on local cable, and local media coverage, are being carried out to raise public awareness about this new initiative.
It is worth noting that, in order to make Odisha Swachh Odisha Sustha Odisha, the Housing and Urban Development Department has adopted some concepts that have proven to be effective.
Principles such as decentralised solid waste management with low capex and opex, community-driven waste management, involving Mission Shakti women Self-Help Groups, transgender, rag pickers in the waste management process, preparation of route maps, vehicle movement plans, and deployment of sanitation workers, provision of battery-operated vehicles, Swachh Sathi and Swachh Supervised Waste Management