Speech of chief minister at the valedictory session of senior police officers conference

Speech of chief minister at the valedictory session of senior police officers conference

Speech of chief minister at the valedictory session of  senior police officers conference

Bhubaneswar: I am happy to address the 63rd Senior Police Officers' Conference, 2021.I hope deliberations of this conference will improve the quality of policing in the State.I would like to commend the overall effort of Odisha Police in handling the Corona Pandemic situation with compassion and empathy. 61 Police personnel sacrificed their lives in the line of duty as Covid Warriors. I pay homage to the departed souls and assure their families all support.

I am happy to note that the law and order situation in the State remained peaceful in the year 2021.

There was a further significant improvement in the Left Wing Extremism situation as a result this year 5 districts i.e. Angul, Boudh, Deogarh, Nayagarh and Sambalpur have been declared as LWE free. SwabhimanAnchal, erstwhile Cut-Off Area has seen remarkable improvement over the last couple of years.

The aim of Mo Sarkar is that people coming to Public offices should be treated with dignity. Good feedback has been received under Mo Sarkar regarding Odisha Police.

Under the 5T charter of the Police certain good initiatives have taken place. These include strengthening of Civil police, fast processing of Passport verification, timely promotion of police men, e-FIR in theft cases. New initiatives should be taken up under 5T.

I would like to congratulate the State Police for organizing an effective drive against Narcotic drugs throughout the State with the STF taking the lead. I am told that a record quantity of narcotics has been seized.  Special Drive against drugs should continue with renewed vigor. Special Narcotics Unit has been created in the STF. Now more emphasis should be given for curbing Narcotic drugs in urban areas.

I would like to congratulate STF for carrying out special drive against wild life trade which has led to substantial recovery which includes 21 leopard skins and many live pangolins.

The ODRAF, Fire and Homeguards personnel have done Commendable job in saving the life of victims, evacuating the affected people and distributing the relief materials among the needy people during severe Cyclonic storm "YAAS" and consequent flood during this year-2021. 

Low conviction rate continues to be an area of concern. All possible steps should be taken to enhance conviction rate by factoring in modern technology into the investigation.

Crime against women and children should always be a focus area. Any complaint received in this regard should be attended as per law immediately with empathy. Special wing in Odisha Police to look after offences against women and children should provide leadership in this field.

Road Safety continues to be an area of concern. There is an urgent need to take up preventive and innovative steps to reduce the death in accidents.

My Government has been aware of the shortage of housing for front line police personnel. Hence, for the next five years, a sum of Rs. 1000 Crores will be provided for police buildings with special emphasis on housing for the police personnel.

My Government is committed to maintain peace and harmony in the state. We are committed to ensure safety and security of the people especially the vulnerable sections of society. 

I expect all of you to lead the police by personal example and provide quality leadership. I also expect you to be caring and very sensitive to the victims and their families.