Illegal Sex Determination Centre Busted in Cuttack

A special team of the Health and Family Welfare department busted an illegal prenatal sex determination and female foeticide center, as well as a private nursing home and two rented houses in Cuttack, Odisha.

Illegal Sex Determination Centre Busted in Cuttack
Sex Determination

Cuttack: A special team of the Health and Family Welfare department busted an illegal prenatal sex determination and female foeticide center, as well as a private nursing home and two rented houses in Cuttack, Odisha.

The center was run covertly from a rented house on Roxy Lane in the Badambadi neighborhood. On Wednesday, two potable ultrasonography equipment and female foeticide medicines were confiscated during a raid on Health Home Hospital near Palamandap and two rented houses in Roxy Lane in the presence of deputy collector Alakarani Debata.

Bhikari Parida, the man behind the unlawful prenatal sex determination, escaped.

According to early investigations, Parida used to carry a portable ultrasound machine from a private nursing facility to rented houses to assist clients in determining the gender of their fetus. According to the informant, the facility also allegedly performed female foeticide.

ADMO & PH, Cuttack, has filed a FIR for further inquiry and legal action against the clinic, according to CDM&PHO, Cuttack Makaranda Beura.

Notably, the Indian Parliament passed the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act in 1994 to prevent the sex of a foetus from being determined before delivery.