Odisha Class-X Summative Assessment-II exam from tomorrow

With all preparations in place, the annual High School Certificate (HSC) Examinations in Odisha will begin on Friday and run until March 20. This is the HSC's second summative examination.

Odisha Class-X Summative Assessment-II exam from tomorrow
Odisha class 10 exam

Bhubaneswar: With all preparations in place, the annual High School Certificate (HSC) Examinations in Odisha will begin on Friday and run until March 20. This is the HSC's second summative examination.

According to sources, 5,41,247 high school students will take the exam at 3,218 locations.

In a press conference here Thursday, School and Mass Education Minister Samir Ranjan Das stated that question papers for the HSC examinations have been stored at 316 nodal centers and will be delivered daily to these locations under tight security.

He also stated that special measures have been taken this year to combat malpractice. "With the heat wave in mind, exams will be held from 8 to 10 a.m., and students must arrive at their respective centers by 7 a.m.," he said, adding that 57 central squads have been formed to combat malpractice, and CCTVs have been installed at exam centers.

He also stated that the centers where cases of copying were previously reported have been closed.

While emphasizing that students must arrive one hour before the exam, Odisha BSE President Ramashis Hazra stated that a dispatch team will collect the question papers from the nodal centers and be escorted by a police team. "A district administration vehicle will also accompany the team, per the Chief Secretary's instructions. The papers will arrive between 6-7 a.m., not earlier or later. Security arrangements have also been made for the concurrent Madhayama and State Open School Certificate (SOSC) exams. Students are only permitted to bring admit cards, black and blue pens, pencils, and geometry boxes. "All mobile phones will be kept under lock and key," he told the media.