10 ‘Ashtadhatu’ Idols Stolen From Panchupandav Temple In Kendrapada

10 ‘Ashtadhatu’ Idols Stolen From Panchupandav Temple In Kendrapada

10 ‘Ashtadhatu’ Idols Stolen From Panchupandav Temple In Kendrapada

Kendrapada: On Saturday, at least ten 'Ashtadhatu' statues were allegedly taken from the sanctum sanctorum of the Panchupandav temple in Deradiha hamlet under the Derabisi police limits in Odisha's Kendrapada.

When temple priest Kamalakant Dash arrived at the temple on Sunday morning, he saw the main door open and the sanctorum lock shattered. He filed a report at the Derabisi police station right away.

According to sources, a special team was formed, and sniffer gods were summoned to investigate the situation. While a group of professional thieves is suspected of being behind the incident, the possibility of insiders playing a role is not ruled out.

"Because there are no CCTVs on the temple premises, the role of some temple insider is also being investigated," IIC Jyotimayee Sethi was quoted as saying by media.

Meanwhile, devotees from the surrounding region protested in front of the temple, demanding that the perpetrators be arrested.

It is worth noting that around 40 temples, Buddhist monasteries, and other historic sites have apparently been burgled in the region and its surrounding areas over the last five years.

In addition, on October 26, 2020, a thief was sentenced to two years in prison for stealing idols and accessories from the Radha Krishna temple in Nurugaon village.