BMC is approving plan for builders only

BMC is approving plan for builders only

BMC is approving plan for builders only

Voice Of Odisha - The planning section of BMC which issues approval for constructing building has
collapsed. Three assistant town planners are executing the work. They are
empowered to issue approval for construction of more than three storey
buildings. They are not empowered to issue approval for the construction of less
than three storey building. So the planning assistants have been given
responsibility to carry out the job. But this post is vacant for many years. BMC
has not appointed any person as an authorized officer to carry out the particular
job. So now BMC has been unable to issue approval for construction of less than
three storey buildings. Because the three joint town planners of BMC can only
issue approval for construction of more than three storey building.

The inhabitants of Bhubaneswar who have applied for approval of construction for
G+2 buildings are in deep despair. They are waiting for availing approval. So,
more than two thousand applications are now pending with BMC for approval of
construction of G+2 buildings. The common men only construct G+2 buildings.
So in this case only common men are in problem. So, it is surmised that BMC is
only working for builders. It is informed that the post of city planner is vacant
since 13th April-2023. City planner could approve G+2 building. Now it can never
be possible as the city planner post is vacant. The heap of applications is seen
lying on the floor of the planning section for approval of construction of

The post of joint town planner is also lying vacant. When BDA was
approving plan for the area of BMC, many ATP, JTP and authorized officers were
working to carry out the responsibility. No problem was found for approval of
plan. When BMC became empowered to executive the work, the problems are not
being addressed. This situation is now promoting the illegal construction. As
constructing a building is barely necessary, many men are being compelled to
construct it without plan. The common men are being struck in problem making
buildings without plan. Now the standing committee for planning and
development has made complaints of constructing buildings without plan.