Human Skeleton found in Cashew jungle in Banki

Human Skeleton found in Cashew jungle in Banki

Human Skeleton found in Cashew jungle in Banki

Cuttack: Today, authorities within the jurisdiction of the Banki police station found a human skeleton in a cashew nut jungle close to the Kushapangi-Kauchi Ashram.

A shirt and denim pant from the scene were also discovered by the police. This raises the possibility that the skeletal remains are those of a young person.

"After receiving information, a police squad made up of members of the Banki PS and Talabasta outpost attended the scene. In a bush beyond the Kushapangi-Kauchi Ashram, they encircle a femur bone, a cranium, and two rib bones. A shirt and a pair of jeans were recovered. It appears that the person passed away five or six months ago. The IIC stated that we are conducting our examination from several perspectives.

He revealed that Bhubaneswar has received the skeleton remains for an autopsy. He stated that everything would be known once the report was received.