Servitors Aged Above 60 At Jagannath Temple To Get COVID Booster Dose

Servitors Aged Above 60 At Jagannath Temple To Get COVID Booster Dose

Servitors Aged Above 60 At Jagannath Temple To Get COVID Booster Dose

Puri: On Thursday, an effort to give 'precaution' or booster doses to Jagannath Temple servants over the age of 60 began.

The Jagannath Temple is closed until the 31st of January.

At the Neelachal Bhakta Niwas, a COVID care centre has been established, where servitors over the age of 60 are receiving booster vaccines. Every day, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., the centre is open for six hours.