Plus II girl student's throat slit by miscreants in Balangir

On Thursday, a Plus II girl student was discovered dead with her throat slit inside her house in Odisha's Balangir district's Nikhil Nagar slum area.

Plus II girl student's throat slit by miscreants in Balangir
Throat Slit

Balangir: On Thursday, a Plus II girl student was discovered dead with her throat slit inside her house in Odisha's Balangir district's Nikhil Nagar slum area.

It is suspected that a thief broke into the house while the girl was alone and attacked her with a sharp weapon before fleeing.

She served them food before they went out to work in the field, according to the girl's parents. However, when the girl did not arrive at the field with lunch by noon, they suspected something was wrong and rushed back home, where they discovered her lying in a pool of blood.

Following notification, police officers and a scientific team arrived at the scene and launched an investigation into the incident. Because the area is a slum, there are no CCTV cameras installed in any of the houses, making it difficult to identify the accused.