Nominations for the Odisha Panchayat Elections have begun

Nominations for the Odisha Panchayat Elections have begun

Nominations for the Odisha Panchayat Elections have begun

Bhubaneswar: On Monday, candidates began registering nominations for the upcoming panchayat elections in Odisha.

From January 17 to 21, candidates can submit their nominations. On January 22, the papers will be scrutinised. The deadline for withdrawing nomination papers is the 25th of January. The final candidate list will be released on January 25.

The State Election Commission (SEC) has released rules for candidates for the submission of nomination papers in light of the COVID-19 scenario in the state:

Candidates, supporters, and anybody accompanying them to the nomination centre will always wear masks, use hand sanitizers, and keep social distance. Only the candidate or proposer will be permitted to enter the chamber or office of the nomination official. Each contender is only allowed to bring one vehicle to the nomination centre. From February 16 to 24, Odisha's three-tier panchayat elections will be held in five phases.

The polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. on February 16, 18, 20, 22, and 24. The results will be announced on the 26th, 27th, and 28th of February. The counting will take place at the block level, rather than at the booth level.

853 zilla parishads, 6,794 panchayats, and 91,913 wards will be elected. Over 2.79 crore people will cast their ballots.

Candidates must file affidavits throughout the nomination process, and filing false affidavits is a criminal offence. There have been no rallies or public meetings allowed. Only door-to-door and online campaigning are permitted.

Only five people will be permitted to campaign door to door, there will be no victory rallies, and only vaccinated and COVID-19 negative people will be allowed inside counting centres, according to the SEC.