Mishra withdraws his resignation - INC

Mishra withdraws his resignation 

Mishra withdraws his resignation - INC

Voice Of Odisha Bureau : A piece of news today  floated in social media that the President of District Congress Committee of Jharsuguda Ashok Mishra has resigned from his post . It was informed that Mishra had sent his resignation letter to PCC President Sarat Pattanayak . He had clarified that though he had resigned from the post of DCC President , he would remain as a primary member of the party As it is said in the news  Mr. Mishra expressed  that he believed in clean politics and he was being suffocated by the activities of the Congress leaders .

He said  he disliked the prevailing style of politics and atmosphere in the party . He also said that he has been unable to adjust with the present situation . He resigned to remain in a distance from the party . PCC President Sarat Pattanayak had discussed the matter with  Mishra and enquired about the problems he faced . After the quick intervention of the PCC President,  now Mishra has written  a letter to PCC President that he has withdrawn his resignation  and he will continue his work as he was doing  before .