Odisha Health Department has issued an advisory on expired drugs

Odisha Health Department has issued an advisory on expired drugs

Odisha Health Department has issued an advisory on expired drugs

Bhubaneswar: After many instances of outdated medicines being disbursed to patients at government-run hospitals in Odisha, the state's Health and Family Welfare Department issued an advise.

The Director of Health Services has requested strict adherence to the advisory in a letter to the authorities of Capital Hospital, Rourkela General Hospital, Superintendents of Medical Colleges, and CDMs and PHOs of all districts.

All drugs in the inventory must have their expiration dates rechecked before being dispersed, according to the advice. "The use of e-Niramaya in inventory management must be adhered to so that expired pharmaceuticals are not distributed to facilities or patients," it continued.

Workers handling medications should be given appropriate instructions, according to the Director of Health Services, and training programmes for personnel dealing with drug inventory will be organised.