Covid-19 ruins Puja vibes

Covid-19 ruins Puja vibes

Covid-19 ruins Puja vibes

Baripada: The joyous spirit of Ganesh Puja in Mayurbhanj has been dimmed by the COVID pandemic, which will miss the pomp and grandeur connected with the occasion this year as well.

Due to the state government's COVID restrictions, which ban big gatherings at any location, the Ganesh Puja, which is usually celebrated with zeal by students, has been reduced to a token occasion.

“We were having a huge Ganesh Puja celebration. We used to go to school with our buddies and attend feasts dressed in new clothes. Everything has altered as a result of COVID-19. “Those celebrations will be missed,” said Namita, a student.

“We won't be able to hold the puja like we used to. We are unable to invite or join in the pujas of our friends. This year, only school teachers and staff would be present for the puja,” said Gobind Chandra Rout, a teacher.

Aside from students, idol-makers are depressed as a result of pandemic-related limitations. According to government regulations, the Ganesh idol cannot be taller than four feet, and no more than seven people are allowed in the puja pandal.

“We have suffered a significant loss this year as a result of COVID-19. We are just making little idols in accordance with the rules. Customers are also not buying large ones for the puja, which is only performed in homes,” said Biswanth, an artisan.

In a same vein, another Baripada craftsman, Shobhakar Behera, remarked, "The demand for idols has severely decreased because to the pandemic." We were considering making large idols this year to make a profit after losing money last year. However, this is no longer possible, and we must now only sell little idols.”