Unending allegations of Casting couch against Tutu Nayak

The ghost of the casting couch has returned to haunt Ollywood after WhatsApp conversations between actresses Prakruti Mishra, Jasmine Rath, and other artists went viral on Friday, accusing producer Sanjay Nayak aka Tutu Nayak of exploiting newcomers.

Unending allegations of Casting couch against Tutu Nayak
casting couch

Bhubaneswar: The ghost of the casting couch has returned to haunt Ollywood after WhatsApp conversations between actresses Prakruti Mishra, Jasmine Rath, and other artists went viral on Friday, accusing producer Sanjay Nayak aka Tutu Nayak of exploiting newcomers.

Jasmine told the media that she was kicked out of a project for refusing to meet Tutu Nayak at a Bhubaneswar club. "I had a professional meeting with him about 4-6 months ago, and he was concerned about how I would manage dates because I was doing a serial and was under contract." 

They then invited me to join a club. I declined because it was already 10 p.m. and I was filming Manoj Mishra's 'Hi Krushan'. My friend, who is also his relative, called to reassure him that everything would be fine. He was also the associate producer of the show I was working on, so he was in charge of my dates," she explained in response to the producer's press release, in which he claimed she lacked professionalism and asked her boyfriend to contact him on dates.

Jasmine went on to say that this hurt his ego, and he went on a character assassination spree against her, causing her to lose some more movies, about which she was having discussions.

Earlier, Prakruti claimed to a local channel that Tutu Nayak had only worked as a manager of production houses before being laid off. "His father was a well-known producer who had not recently produced a film." Instead, he enticed many newcomers with the false promise of launching them in films. "Several people associated with him 'exploited' newcomers as well," she claimed.

"I have not encountered such a situation, but I have heard that he has trapped many girls." Tutu Nayak has ruined many girls' lives," she added.

Tutu Nayak stated in a press conference that Prakruti is responding to his concerns about her alleged relationship with actor Babushaan Mohanty. He went on to say that the actress is being instigated by some'so-called' producers to make false accusations against him. "The actress who is making such allegations is not concerned with her career." Sameer and Rashmi Ranjan, who were producing 'Tora Mora Kati' with Sailendra as the lead, had asked me to look at Jasmine, who they were casting opposite him. I liked her and thought they'd make a good on-screen couple. However, there are some professional ethics to consider. 

"I was disappointed when I received a call from her boyfriend to discuss her dates and asked them to drop her in favor of a more professional artist," he explained.

He also denied the claim that he invited her to the club. "Two or three girls planned to defame me last night and engaged in such chats as a result." The allegations are made by people who have made little contribution to the industry. Prakruti stated, "I have not produced any film since my father's death, and this is correct because I do not want to incur losses."

He went on to say that he handled Jhili's dates as a brother, not as a manager.

Tutu Natak stated that he will bring proof of the conspiracy against him and file legal action against them.

In response to his press conference, Prakruti questioned his mentality and how, in the past, he had also attempted to tarnish her and her parents' image. "Girls came to me with complaints about him because they look up to me." The actresses are now speaking out about their bad experiences in the industry, which will hurt people like him's male ego. "As evidenced by his press conference, they act like goondas and threaten people," she said.