Fake electricity Bill Colector Arrested
Fake electricity Bill Colector Arrested

Malkangiri: On Monday, Orkel Police arrested a guy from MV-30 village on charges of generating phony bills to collect electricity tariffs from power customers.
Naba Kishore Biswas, the accused, has been working as a bill collector for a computer consultant firm affiliated with Tata Power Distribution. Biswas was assigned to collect tariff from Somanathpur and Chitapari panchayat-3 in Korukonda block, but for the past three months, he has allegedly been collecting payments from different regions by generating bogus bills.
Several customers received reminders to pay tariffs despite paying their electricity bills. They reported Naba to the computer consultant business, who then reported the incident to the Orkel police.
Naba Kishore was detained and a billing machine, two mobile phones, and Rs 40,000 were taken from his hands by Chitrakonda sub-divisional police officer Anshuman Dwivedi and Orkel station incharge John Kujur.