VIMSAR Burla postpones MBBS Examinations due to Covid uprise
VIMSAR Burla postpones MBBS Examinations due to Covid uprise

Sambalpur: The Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (VIMSAR), Burla, has postponed the MBBS exams. On Saturday, it was supposed to start.
In light of the recent spike in COVID-19 instances in the state, VIMSAR Dean Jayashree Dora said on Friday that the decision to postpone the exam was made for the protection of students.
Specifically, the virus has been detected in 20 doctors and numerous medical staff members at the institute in Sambalpur district.
About five days ago, the Dean and COVID Hospital Officer Jagannath Hati caught the infection, and more than ten patients were found positive at the hospital institution.
After the daily tally soared to 610 on Monday, Sambalpur has seen a drop in instances (January 10). The district reported 529 new cases in the 24 hours leading up to 9 a.m. on Friday, with 570, 596, and 609 infectees on Thursday, Wednesday, and Tuesday, respectively.
With 3940 active cases, Sambalpur is currently in the RED zone.