Jharsuguda bye poll at a glance

Jharsuguda bye poll at a glance

Jharsuguda bye poll at a glance

Voice of Odisha : Jharsuguda, the industrial hub of Odisha witnessed marathon campaign of the three political parties in scorching heat since
Iast 15 days. The heavy weights of three political parties canvassed for their respective candidates in the streets of Jharsuguda Municipality and in the panchayats of the Blocks of Kirmira,Laikera,Kolabira and Jharasuguda.There are 2,21,070 voters and 253 booths in the Assembly Constituency.

(Chief Minister Mr. Naveen Pattanaik)

(Union Minister Mr.Dharmendra Pradhan)

Chief Minister Mr. Naveen Pattanaik and Union Minister Mr.Dharmendra Pradhan campaigned for their candidates for a day only i.e. on 8th May. Leaders of both the parties of the adjacent districts and assembly constituencies to show off strength had pulled people by vehicles for the programmes of the duo .

(PCC President Sri Sarat Pattnaik)

But PCC President Sri Sarat Pattnaik had campaigned in a different way. He addressed the voters in many small meetings which were  organised in panchayat levels. He spent more than 15 days in Jharsuguda and tried his best to reach out the people at grassroots . The PCC President in his restless campaign interacted with the students, unemployed youths, women, labourers and farmers of the constituency. He enquired about the problems they have been facing since last 22 years. They expressed their strong reservations against both the governments in the state and the centre. Mr.Pattnaik was found to gain the support of the common voters.He patiently listened to the common men during his door campaigning programmes. In the last day of campaigning , PCC president led a good rally which strated from Manmohan Ground and terminated at Bus stand of Jharsuguda .

(PCC President Sri Sarat Pattnaik)

It was the allegations of the common men there  that the rulling parties have been ignoring the interest of the public. The mineral resources of Jharsuguda is being looted.BJD and BJP are safeguarding the interest of their crony companies and the local people are being befooled in the name of development,industrializion and  ample opportunity of employment.
The financial condition of the local people has not improved in comparison to the growth of industrializion.The situation of unemployment is precarious.The  health services, irrigation potentials  and education facilities  are very poor. People are here deprived of their rudimentary facilities . Corruption is rampant from top to 
bottom in government offices and developmental work. The most important point is the law and order situation of the area is detorioratig day by day but the administration is blind to it.

They have felt the BJP and BJP are two sides of a coin.On the other hand ,the Chief Minister addressing a public meeting at Amilipali  targetted the opposite political parties for disrespecting  and humiliating his candidate Dipali who recently lost his father. Mr. Dharmendra Pradhan,Union Minister critisized the BJD government for its failure in all fronts and huge corruption. It is astonishing that the BJP has this time fielded the candidature of Mr Tankadhar Tripathy , who is an out sider. The MLA candidate of BJP of 2019, Mr.Dinesh Kumar Jain had got 52,921votes. But this time he was neglected, though he had given an encouraging fight against late Mr .Naba Das,the then candidate.The equation here is in support of Congress as the BJP candidate belongs to Sundargarh and the killing of health Minister has no high impact on the voters. 

The Congress Candidate Mr. Tarun Pandey is the son of late Birendra Pandey who had represented this constituency to Odisha Assembly for 3 times and served the people of Jharsuguda municipality for once was a popular and honest political leader . The people of the constituency have great respect for him . On the other hand Mr. Tarun Pandey has a good personality and has been doing social work since last 15 years . He is really the son of the soil .